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From The Armed Forces To Construction

Following a career in the armed forces, Craig Foster wanted a new challenge, something he could get stuck into and progress through. He moved to the construction industry – building a successful career in the process, progressing from an

Construction facts about famous buildings

In this article we take a look at the some of the most interesting and famous buildings across the globe. From cathedrals and mosques, to parliament buildings and office towers, there are so many shapes and size of construction builds!

From Apprentice to Managing Director

Szerelmey Restoration managing director Paul Morris started his construction career as an apprentice - 40 years later he is leading the company. Find out about his journey from an apprenticeship to MD and why apprenticeships are the perfect start to

Section Engineer

I set out the plan of the building on site and indicate where everything is meant to go for the next stage of the construction process.

What the Budget means for construction

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced boosts for construction apprenticeships, traineeships, T Levels, Skills Bootcamps and green construction projects. Find out what this means for you in this Go Construct article.