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Our Sponsors And Supporters

SkillBuild couldn't take place without the fantastic support we receive from industry. Check out all the amazing sponsors and supporters of SkillBuild.

Advanced Apprenticeships

Find out how to apply for a Advanced apprenticeship in England, and what a Advanced apprenticeship means.

Carpentry Competition (SkillBuild)

This competition has been designed to reflect the role of a carpenter and the standards that are expected within the construction industry. Find out more.

Construction and Gender

Find out about gender equality in the construction industry, and what women are doing to improve diversity in the workplace...

Plastering Competition (SkillBuild)

This competition has been designed reflect the role of a plasterer and the standards that are expected within the construction industry. Find out more.

Construction And Disability

In the construction industry people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against – and employers have much to gain from taking on a diverse workforce.