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What apprenticeship can I do after my National 4/5s in Scotland?

Two apprentices or students with eye protection using equipment in a workshop

If you have just taken or are about to take your National 4s or 5s, you might be wondering what options there are for you. If you are leaving school, you could take an apprenticeship, which allows you to learn a trade with an employer, study part-time and gain a nationally recognised qualification. Here we explain more about the apprenticeship options you have in Scotland when you leave school.

What apprenticeship options are there in Scotland?

Apprenticeships in Scotland are slightly different to those in England, so if you are planning on staying in Scotland to do an apprenticeship after your National 4s/5s, it’s worth knowing what your options are.

Foundation apprenticeship

You probably know about Foundation Apprenticeships, because they are available to students in their 5th or 6th years at secondary school. Foundation apprenticeships are not paid – they offer students work-based learning and industry experience but are taken alongside National 5s and Highers. A Foundation Apprenticeship is a recognised qualification that can support an application for a Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship.

Modern apprenticeship

A Modern Apprenticeship is the type of apprenticeship you are most likely to do as a school leaver in Scotland. They are for people aged 16 and over and are designed to help you gain skills, experience and qualifications in your chosen industry. Modern apprenticeships offer a salary and there are over 100 modern apprenticeships to choose from.

Applicants for modern apprenticeship positions would be expected to have National 5 grade passes at level C or above in Maths and English, as well as specific subjects related to the job. Construction modern apprenticeships include roles in civil engineering, plumbing and heating, health and safety and building surveying.

Graduate apprenticeship

Graduate Apprenticeships are one step up from modern apprenticeships but might be worth keeping in mind if you are thinking of taking your Highers or undertaking a modern apprenticeship. You will combine working for an employer with studying for a degree-level qualification and being paid a salary.

Entry onto a Graduate Apprenticeship is similar to the requirements for an undergraduate degree, and will vary by course and institution. However, you will need to be resident in Scotland in order to apply and have the right to live and work in Scotland too.

There are graduate apprenticeship opportunities available in a wide range of industries, from Construction and the Built Environment to Data Science and Engineering. 

What other options do I have for further study or training after my National 4/5s?

You could stay on at school to do your Highers, and then possibly take a course at a further education college or study for a degree at a university. Alternatively, you could take a training course, do on-the-job training or work-based learning. If you’re unsure of your options, Skills Development Scotland will be able to help.

How do I apply for an apprenticeship in Scotland?

If you think an apprenticeship is right for you, and you live in Scotland, visit the Apprenticeships.scot website for more details about the various apprenticeship levels, entry requirements, case studies and to search for vacancies.

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