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Dychwelodd eich chwiliad am 295 ganlyniadau
Denise Forster – Hanes am Adeiladu
08 Mehefin 2016

Denise Forster

Mae Denise Forster yn Gydlynydd Systemau gyda Simpson (York) Limited. Mae hi hefyd yn rhan o’r prosiect ‘Step up into Construction’. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael yma.
03 Awst 2017

Working your way up the ladder. Construction offers a wealth of opportunities and countless careers have been built by people who started out as apprentices.
19 Tachwedd 2015

It took me a while to get into the construction sector, as I had previously worked in the sport, legal, insurance and hospital industries in various roles.
29 Chwefror 2016

I came right out of school at 16 and started my joinery apprenticeship with Jim Darroch and Joe Allan. Find out more about my life in construction.
Beth i'w Wneud ar ôl Eich Arholiadau
15 Awst 2017

Beth i'w wneud ar ôl eich arholiadau

Rydyn ni i gyd yn gyfarwydd â’r pwysau o gael canlyniadau arholiadau, ond mae llwybrau bob amser ymlaen i yrfa gyffrous ym maes adeiladu, dim ots beth yw’r niferoedd na’r graddau.
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